8 January 2010

          There is no rainbow without rain

I try to stay cool. I try to keep my composure. There's nothing else I can do right now than trust and be above such things. With my head held high. Even if I might have lost this battle today. "Do not be ashamed to make a temporary withdrawal from the field if you see that your enemy is stronger than you; it is not winning or losing a single battle that matters, but how the war ends."  Maybe I just take the whole thing too serious, so I smile.

Can a name affect a person's life? Are we characterized by our names? Or are we just affected by our genes? Maybe we are only the final products of  our education, the social environement and the influence of others? What about our mind? Is it really free? Fact is at the end of the day only you decide who you wanna be and what you do with it. I'm myself, authentic to everyone and anyone. To all my actions. Who are you?

A bird in a cage. Isn't it ridiculous and ironic to lock up a bird which is meant to fly? The symbol of freedom? Damn It is!

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